Hi Everyone,
Here is episode 13 with the first part of our Gall Force retrspective. In this episode Lewis and I review the original trilogy story line with reviews of the movie Gall Force: Eternal Story and the OVAs Gall Force 2: Destruction and Gall Force 3: Stardust War.
Listen directly at the embedded player at the top of the post or find the podcast of iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast FM, Podcast Addict, Cast Box Podcast Player and many other podcast hosts by searching for Retro Anime Podcast.
Thanks for listening,
Credits & Links:
Find us on Twitter @retroanime
Find me on the Anime UK News forums, my username is Orgun
Podcast opening and closing music is the opening theme for Brave of the Sun Fighbird © Sunrise 1991
Gall Force: Eternal Story OST © AIC/ARTMIC 1986
Gall Force: eternal Story @ ANN
Gall Force 2: Destruction @ ANN
Gall Force 3: Stardust War @ANN