Podcast – #2 ‘Dystopian Memories’ & #3 ‘Plucked from Obscurity’

Hi Everyone,

Firstly, apologies for not updating the site, I’ve been working out what to do with it and posting new episodes via twitter.

Episodes 2 & 3 have been out for a while and episode 4 should be out in the next day or two.

You can find the podcast of PodOmatic, Soundcloud, iTunes and Stitcher by searching for Retro Anime Podcast or listen directly on the player at the top of the post.

Thanks for listening,



Credits & Links:

Find us on Twitter @retroanime

Find me on the Anime UK News forums, my username is Orgun

Podcast opening and closing music is the opening theme for Brave of the Sun Fighbird © Sunrise 1991

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